Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Atheism is unbelievable

Atheism is ridiculous.

It's a total cop-out.

I mean, this is the scenario humans are faced with:

  • We exist.
  • Why do we exist?
  • How do we exist?
 Many people try to find answers to these questions.Many people stick to the answers handed to them by their society. Some people undertake deep personal searches to find these answers.

What do atheists do? They answer these questions at a level one does not expect (or should not expect) in normal humans

Why do we exist? "We just do."
How do we exist? "We just do." (It may have been an accident, at that.)

That's such a fundamentalist way to think. They decide what they want to believe and then close their minds to the questions that challenge them.

The thing is, why don't just exist. Had we been matter of the simplest form imaginable, perhaps the first answer would be feasible. But still the second would not.

Of course, we aren't dry matter. Which doesn't matter to atheists. If we as humans have no plan or purpose, we might as well have been pure matter.

To believe in a physical world alone is ludicrous.

How does a search for meaning even being to formulate itself without the existence of 'meaning' itself?

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Lord Limerick the Last

There was an old man from the ocean
Who developed a new kind of lotion
It claimed to heal scabs
On the knees of pink crabs
What an extrodinary notion...

Growing up

I don't miss you
I miss us

it seems the friends we used to be
have trickled into kitchen cracks

have wafted off on summer breezes

or maybe grew
into people we don't know
didn't know we would become

and yet
I do not miss you when I'm with you
but I do

Monday, 5 March 2012


i think that I may become a poet.

not that kind that are called poets

more the kind that are called people
who write

the ease with which
disjointed sentences flow
makes one ponder
and think that this may indeed be
a way

to express

Friday, 2 March 2012


I'm pretty tired.

My co-blogger-darer stated that this is the natural state of the university student. She should know right? I mean, she knows three of them. That counts. :P The person in question should hurry up and write her blog post, or else. Every time I open her blog I am confronted by baby elephants, eukeleles and lasagne. Unusual thought the combination may be, it does get tiresome.

I should actually be typing away furiously at an academic language assignment that's due in three and a half days. But I'm not. Want to make an attempt at surmising as to the reasons for this? i.e. Wanna guess why?

I'm tired. My eyes bore holes in's the screen, (more likely it's vica versa) and my fingers lie limply and uninspired by the keyboard.

Don't worry folks, that was a gross exaggeration. I did manage to cover two-thirds of the topic in half the minimum amount of words required. WHich will not do but oh well.

Shabbat has come timeously.

Tonight I am obliged to join the res in what they call a ladies' night a.k.a. 'pub crawl'and jive (jive being a verb). Ho ho what fun. We're going
 to tour the towns selection of pubs and bars, and hopefully not clubs (I have bad connotations to those, in my mind). I am not looking forward to the excursion. Not just because I'm tired already. Because it's not my scene, okay?

But here goes...