Sunday, 11 May 2014

Open Letter to Heath McNease

Dear Heath
I sent you some fan mail a while ago which was very confusing, I agree. I was very tired and so my thoughts flowed through my fingers in a rather disjointed way. I was trying to tell you the following:
You are really cool. I have gotten to know you in a very distant way through your music and your YouTube videos. I never used to be into listening to music as a hobby, but when I do listen, it sometimes ends up a research project… Basically, I have listened to The Weight of Glory so many times that it feels like it’s part of my brain. I have watched your Calls That Never Come video quite a few times and showed it to friends and family. Some of them just squinted and didn’t laugh but those who share my sense of humour (my dad being foremost) laughed all the way through, especially at the Jet Ski. My dad, in fact, was silent with laughter at that point, and almost blind with it too.
What I like about you, Heath, is this. You’re real. You don’t fit into a box, at least not into the boxes I know of. You don’t seem to try hard to be Christian, to appear to be Christian, or to be cool. You just are. And that is an inspiration to me, and to many others, I hope.
Carry on.
Be like that.

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Blog is back, or is it?

For some strange reason, this blog has been on my mind a great deal the last few days.

I don't want to blog. Not really. I don't see the point.

I want to read Narnia, paint pictures for myself and my friends, practice jazz piano, study Greek, Hebrew, and linguistics, make lists of things I need to do, cook lovely healthy food, and learn Korean.

This past term, I have managed to do all of the above and work consistently on a documentary with Wesley van der Westhuizen. So I should be able to blog every now and then as well.

The only problemo is this: of all the things I did get done last term, I got a very little done. I wrote about one song, practiced a very little jazz, painted about seven pictures, studied enough greek and hebrew, did the doc for linguistics but think I did not study enough, cooked a great deal of lovely healthy food (one has to procrastinate on real work, no?), and learnt one Korean word (i heard some more but one stuck). So technically I did do all of the above but I'd like to do more. And I'd like to feel a bit more on top of my work.

The idea for the future of the blog is to share some profound thoughts, not to document my daily life or mood swings, and not to document my deepest dreams and desires. That's for my journal.

I just don't know if it will happen.

It feels like I should do it, because it's on my mind a lot and I like writing. However, those are poor reasons faced with the problemo outlined above and considering that the other things I want to do are things that I actually know what doing them will acheive.

This just seems like an egocentric waste of time. If it's not, please contact me and ask me to blog.

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Dear reader,

These pages before you have been filled with sheep, and ponderings, and the occasional lyric. I long to ponder some more upon these pages, fill the spaces with words both eloquent and well put (well put).

But, alas, time is so limited. And the more I learn the more I know how little I know or understand.

I do so love putting thoughts into amusing musings.

So here I am again.

I highly doubt that this shall be a regular occurrence, but I do hope I shall find the time and the thoughts.

The secondary obstacle to my writing is the disorganized nature of my genius. To write well one has to think well. Lack of application delivers poor work, so I'm told.

But fun doesn't require serious appplication. See?

Do not despair, words of wisdom and folly may still come.