Dear Heath
I sent you some fan mail a while ago which was very confusing, I
agree. I was very tired and so my thoughts flowed through my fingers in a
rather disjointed way. I was trying to tell you the following:
You are really cool. I have gotten to know you in a very distant way
through your music and your YouTube videos. I never used to be into listening
to music as a hobby, but when I do listen, it sometimes ends up a research
project… Basically, I have listened to The Weight of Glory so many times that
it feels like it’s part of my brain. I have watched your Calls That Never Come
video quite a few times and showed it to friends and family. Some of them just
squinted and didn’t laugh but those who share my sense of humour (my dad being
foremost) laughed all the way through, especially at the Jet Ski. My dad, in
fact, was silent with laughter at that point, and almost blind with it too.
What I like about you, Heath, is this. You’re real. You don’t fit
into a box, at least not into the boxes I know of. You don’t seem to try hard
to be Christian, to appear to be Christian, or to be cool. You just are. And
that is an inspiration to me, and to many others, I hope.
Carry on.
Be like that.