Friday, 20 January 2012

semi finals en grande

Learn Chinese. Why would I want to do that? I don't like China. I don't like Atheism or Buddhism. I don't like over-crowded cities. I don't like Communism. I don't even like Chinese. (No, actually I do like Chinese, just not its comparative difficulty. Or then again maybe I do like the idea of learning something difficult).

Find a church. I am not a regular church goer. I find listening to sermons boring and, unless they are scholarly and make fresh, valid points, a bit pointless. But I want to make Christian friends and find a bit of Christian 'community'. Also, I think student churches will be a bit different from those I've known so far. Will probably be more like youth. :)

Get a quarter of a degree.

Make friends. The chances of me meeting no-one at university are so small I'm not even going to consider it.

These are my goals. Year one.


My time at home is running out.

It seems to me that I am leaving home at exactly the right time. I can stay at home for another couple of days, but that's it.  It seems to me that My Life at Home has in fact not been interrupted, but is coming to its timely end. And that's good. A while back I was feeling worried and apprehensive about the whole pending aloneness issue, but at the same time I knew I'd rather go than stay. I just can't bear staying home another year. I have to, I want to, get out. It's time for a change.

I'm not running away from anything, though I am happy to get away from some things.

Friends who say they like you so much and yet practically ignore you when their special friend is around. Friends who make it hard for you to believe what they say, but you have yet to prove they're lying.
Family issues, arguments that come around again and again. Trying to get involved, to help sort it out, is so greatly discouraged its not even worth it. The argument just turns on you.

I don't imagine things will be better at University. I know it won't.
I know it will be hard.

I hope it will be fun.

And I'm looking forward to it.

Thank Elohim.

Saturday, 14 January 2012

wash the rubble from your mind

In the lives of those that follow there is going to come a time
When rhythm starts to stumble and singsong swallows rhyme
When imaginations crumble, false foundations turn to dust
Towers fall to piles of stones and girders into rust
Til you let the blood of Yeshua wash the rubble from your mind
And your eyes again can see the one you almost left behind
When theology's in tatters and reason is absurd
Still your soul in silence and listen for His word
So many turns, so many ways, so many voices cry
Standing at the crossroads watching time go flashing by
Indecision paralyzes, it's the fear of choosing wrong
But waiting is a step itself, and your wondering too long
So again you search the scripture, and again you ask your friends
But last of all the One who knows the beginning from the end
In the clamor and confusion and the blindness of your choice
Still your soul in silence, and listen for His voice
Rome is full of ruins, Babylon is gone
The temple's just a memory that some still dwell upon
But deep within a place that sword and veil had once denied
A tree of life is growing, living waters flow beside
Far beyond all human reason and words upon a page
His glory lightens all who fret their hour upon this stage
To know Him is our freedom, to hear Him is release
To fix your heart and soul on Him is rest and perfect peace

Friday, 13 January 2012

one of the last

Ah, so I thought it pleasing to inscribe another of these ill-written testimonies to life before I am released.

Soonish, My Life At Home will be interrupted for the next episode: My Life At University.

I have mixed feelings about this. Naturally, the current episode must draw to a close sometime, as eighteen years is a fair length of time to play a daily show, daily. I am not at all sorry to call it a day and move on. The alarming prospect of spending one more year in my current fashion would induce a shallow state of depression, which is only being held at bay by the thought that I will not.

I want adventure. University is not the adventure I was looking for. Staying at home being the alternative however, I gladly take the plunge.

There are many unforeseen advantages to heading out to campus, as opposed, say, to China. For one, my granny is overjoyed. Important to keep your friends and relations at ease, I'd say. Naturally it would be more fun and make for more interesting conversation if I had gone to the East. Would have ruffled many feathers. I wouldn't have needed to say "Thank you, I also hope I have a splendid time." It appears I am obliged, by now, to enjoy myself as a student and all that.

Yes yes, I don't sound grateful. I am grateful. Not many people have the opportunity...etc. It's one of the best universities in the...etc.You think I do not know that? I do. I worried about it, but now I am over the fact that children are going hungry while I, the rich brat am going off to enjoy myself and get an education. I am very sorry that there are hungry children but my giving up university is not going to feed them. If it did I would feel... way more guilty. So lay off, I am grateful.

Another advantage to going to university, particularly the one I am going to, is that I know a lot of people there. This is not the case with China. That's probably why people go to the East to find themselves. If they went to a nearby town someone else would. Find them, that is.

At present I know where I am, and if not I'd rather be found before I go off to the land of the Squints. Wouldn't be of much use if I went there lost.

I try not to imagine what being there will be like. This way I can't be very surprised or disillusioned. I imagine it will be rough on me, that way I won't be disappointed by it's non-smoothness. Also, I expect that many of my preconceptions and prejudices (that I do not know I have) will be brought to light and challenged. I hope the way I think will only change in a good way.

I hope this year will be enjoyable.

I'll have to do something about me, in that case.