Thursday, 14 July 2011


Ever since I got facebook, it annoyed me. There was less real social interaction I had hoped for. It was much more egotistical than I had anticipated.

Funny statuses, not to make people laugh, but to reflect on your own genius for coming up with them. Deep, thoughtful comments, not to make people think, but to prove that you did. Maybe I am the only person whose underlying, unconscious reason for saying something is to prove that I have an opinion. Maybe everyone else says things in utter unselfishness and goodwill, and to make the world a better place.  Maybe some of us really do things, not to impress, but to enrich. But I doubt it.

But then again, what's wrong with showing-off? If you're good at art, or photography, why not 'share' the product of your unrivaled talent (or lack of it) with the world? It's a good way to get criticism, sure enough. Assuming your friends have the capacities for constructive criticism. (If they don't, destructive will have to do).

It seems some people are afraid to criticise, and others are afraid not to. Some think they will be seen as a softee (and a stupid one at that) if they cannot find a mistake in your work, and others are afraid to go beyond "Oh, that's lovely". I am obviously more on the critical side. :P

I am probably being too critical. There are probably good people out there who say things for reasons other than feeling smart or resourceful or funny or impressing people. And getting likes. People who are not surprised when they get no notifications after a week off facebook. Who doesn't use facebook unconsciously to boost their self-esteem and their how-many-people-like-me-rating.

I could be the only negative, critical, egotistical, insecure user. Who knows?


  1. Oh no, you're not the only one.
    Good assessment.

    Just don't be too cynical now...

  2. Yes, I have a tendency to be negative. I might have exaggerated a tad.
