You know those rules so often cited by traditional moralists (Christians, Jews and Muslims) as a code for morality? They're called the Ten Commandments, as I'm sure you're aware, and to be honest they're a bit old.
They were apparently given to Moses who led the Israelites out of Egypt, back when Egypt was run by Pharoahs. That's a very long time ago. Why should we still go by laws that some guy with a beard chiselled out of stone thousands of years ago? Do you think thousands of years from now people will stop at stop signs?
Here follows a systematic analysis of each command, and its irrelevancy.
I am the Lord you God.
Thanks God, but I already have someone running my life. He's called Me. And I'm fine. The fact that I am not responsible for my birth and that I have no idea why I exist is irrelevant. Sorry to disappoint you. Or not.
Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.
Can I have one behind you? See, even the language is outdated. Not to mention I'm way to evolutionarily advanced to bow down to some god somewhere. Excuse me, I have a football game. Bye.
Do not take the Lord's name in vain.
Sorry, what? You mean, I shouldn't swear? Can I swear if I don't use your name? Or maybe I shouldn't look in the mirror admiring myself while I swear? Anyway, Hollywood's been swearing for a while and I see no massive earthquake in the vicinity. It's cool to swear, okay.
Remember the Sabbath day to keep it.
Excuse me? I'll rest when I want to. Not to mention resting so much is just lazy. You think the Chinese rest for one seventh of their lives? Well,
they seem to be taking over the world.
Honor thy father and they mother.
Isn't that a bit exclusive? I mean, in the first place it assumes that I
have a father and a mother. What about Lilly from Modern Family? How is she to honor her mother? Also, most fathers seem to be a bit absent from the scene. Kinda difficult to honor a guy you've never met. Not to mention, the whole idea of honoring someone else draws attention away from your own rights.
Thou shalt not kill.
Fair enough. But everyone knows it will be bad for their reputation if they start mowing down their neighbours. It's just bad for society in general. Naturally, the size of the person is important. The smaller, the more okay it will be to kill the person. Tracing a life back to its origins, by the time the person is still inside the womb, its not a person anymore. It's wrong to kill a pregnant mother, but it would not have been wrong to kill her a few years ago, when she was still in her own mother's womb. It's kinda obvious.
Thou shalt not commit adultery.
That's not really any of your business. I will sleep with whoever I want, whenever I want to, whether
they you like it or not. Don't come at me with 'that could also be bad for society', that belongs to a different paragraph altogether, which is now closed. F*** society. I got my rights. And my rights always trumps those of anyone else. If people could let go of all these restrictions everyone would be a whole lot happier. No I haven't done any studies to prove it.
Thou shalt not steal.
Not from me, anyways. Most people who steal do so cos they need to. It's just a product of a dysfunctional society. Would you punish those who respond in the way they are forced to do. Also, taxes. Some say this whole stealing thing applies to tax-evasion. I say, why pay if you're smart enough not to? Survival of the crafty.
- I wrote this blogpost sometime last year, and to be honest I'm quite impressed with it. I don't know why I didn't publish it...